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The Computer Repair Podcast #305 – Untangle NG Firewall

Learn How To Run Your Computer Repair Business

Live Show and Chat every Sunday at 4pm EST

Hosted by: Jeff Halash from TechNutPC.com

John Dubinsky from Maven Group

Rick Smith from Renactus Technology

Mike Smith from MHS Consulting

Steve Young from Untangle

Chad McNaughton from Untangle

Email: Podnutz@Podnutz.com
Voicemail: 734-335-1000


https://www.untangle.com/ - Main Untangle website.

https://www.untangle.com/untangle-ng-firewall/ - Information about Untangle NG Firewall solution.

https://www.untangle.com/cloud/command-center/ - Untangle's centralized management solution, Command Center.

https://www.untangle.com/get-untangle/ - Free download with 14-day trial of our entire NG Firewall Complete package.

http://demo.untangle.com/admin/index.do - Free live demo server of Untangle NG Firewall.

https://www.untangle.com/cloud/command-center/malwarebytes/ - Untangle Command Center's integration with Malwarebytes to provide endpoint visibility and protection.

https://www.untangle.com/category/case-studies/ - Check out our recent case studies to see how Untangle has helped organizations in multiple industries, as well as partners, take control of their networks.

https://www.untangle.com/partners/ - Information about the Untangle Partner Program.

https://www.untangle.com/untangle-ng-firewall/appliances/ - Untangle appliances for those who want a simple plug-n-play option.

https://wiki.untangle.com/index.php/Main_Page - The Untangle Wiki houses all of our technical documentation.

https://support.untangle.com/hc/en-us - Our support site provides tons of knowledge base articles to help customers and partners with specific features and set-up guides.

https://feedback.untangle.com/ - A place to recommend new features for both our NG Firewall and Command Center products.

info@untangle.com, sales@untangle.com, presales@untangle.com - Ways for people to get in contact with Untangle.